
WHMIS became law through a series of complementary federal, provincial and territorial legislation that became effective October 31, 1988.

The majority of the "information" requirements (and exemptions) of WHMIS legislation were incorporated into the HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS ACT and the HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INFORMATION REVIEW ACT. These apply to all of Canada. Regulations made under these acts include:


The occupational health and safety components of WHMIS that apply to federal employees and others covered by the Canada Labour Code (CLC) are specified in the CLC and the Canadian Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Part X).

The following acts and regulations apply to workers and employers covered by the provincial jurisdictions:

British Columbia











New Brunswick


Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island




Yukon Territories


Northwest Territories & Nunavut


Most information on this page was extracted from the OSH Answers section of the web site of the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS).